Evil Eye Tattoo
The word Tattoo, originally came from the Tahitian word called "Tatua", meaning "label". This was founded by James Cook, when he took a journey to the South Pacific in 1768. After 150 years, "tatua" was changed to "Tattoo" by Cook and his other military personnel during their course of voyage. Earlier days, the meaning of "Tattoo" was "a fast rhythmic tapping". Tattoo, came into English language in the year 1977.The Origin of Tattoo:
This tattooing was popular among the Polynesians because of these sea voyages. A large number of people, practiced the "art of tattooing" in the South Pacific island. The earliest artifacts that include tattooed tools and human figurines, where founded in Polynesia. The archaeological and anthropological findings points to the Southeast Asia that later, spread to the South Pacific islands too.
Different types and methods of tattooing:
1. Samoa, is the place where the "knee to waist" tattooing for men is very famous and its practiced in a traditional fashion, using the toothy comb. This toothy comb is hit at the back, to impel the needles under the skin. These needles are filled with ink.
2. "Dayak rosette tattoo" done on the shoulders, originated from Borneo.
3. Maori, a place in New Zealand was famous for "Moko tattooing". In this type of tattooing, they use precise chisels to cut the skin before they could apply the pigment. This is a very painful one and its mostly done for men, on the face. Each tattoo, stands as a symbol for their tribal membership and rank.
4. Picts, was a name given to the people living in north of Britain. Most of the people had the custom of tattooing which was mainly used at times, to identify criminals and the form of punishment they under went.
5. Japan and china too practiced tattooing for punishing the criminals.
6. In several parts of southeast Asia, tattooing was bonded with religion.
7. North Africa, Nepal, India and Jerusalem, traditional tattooing is done. In Nepal, tattooing of god and goddesses symbols and even symbols of flowers and birds are tattooed as a constant practice.
8. In India, places like Gujarat; tattoos are done on a collection of signs and dots, which are known to guard then against any evil eye or guarantee fertility.
9. The Muslim land, Jerusalem do the tattooing on people, who visit the place to the Holy city.
10. Women and men in California and Virginia where tattooed in every possible way to describe their identity, relief from physical illness and also for acquiring protection and spiritual strength.

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